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Climate Change and Mountain Risks in the European Alps – from Recognition to Management – 23-27 août 2021

Un workshop sur le thème « Changement climatique et risques de montagne dans les Alpes européennes – de la reconnaissance à la gestion » est organisé conjointement par l’université de Genève, l’université de Bolsano, l’université de Graz et l’institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage WSL du 23 au 27 août 2021.

L’appel à manifestation est à retrouver ci-après (anglais) :

Although research on climate change in the European Alps and related mountain risks is rich and thriving, more inter-disciplinary research and collaboration is needed to manage and reduce the impacts of extreme events, build more resilient communities, and prevent natural hazards from escalating into disasters. The proposed Saas-Fee 2021 Workshop thus aims at bringing together experts with natural and social science as well as environmental engineering backgrounds to discuss implications of climate change on natural hazards and the related risks across the European Alps. The focus of the workshop will be on mass movement processes originating from the changing cryosphere (all types of landslides, but also snow avalanches). In addition to enhancing scientific knowledge with case studies of recent or expected events, we also invite presentations suggesting adaptation strategies and policy guidance. The workshop will also look into possible methods on how to reduce disaster risk by looking at measures including spatial planning, protection forests, early-warning systems as well as organizational measures, protective structures or awareness-building.

We are looking forward to receiving your registration including your abstract until 15 June 2021. Please use the following registration form:

As we can only accept a limited number of participants at the meeting (first come-first serve principle), we recommend that you register as soon as possible and that you book your room at Hotel Schweizerhof upon submission of your abstract. Please check for further information about Saas Fee, the hotel booking and other travel-related information.

Possible outputs of the Workshop include joint review publications in a leading journal and perhaps the first steps towards building up a consortium for the Horizon Europe project of the EU.

You will find all relevant information related to this meeting, including a registration and abstract submission form as well as a dedicated hotel online booking form, on the following website: