Conférence sur les « Forêts de protection contre les crues dans la Région Alpine », Bad Reichenhall

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23-24 octobre 2017
Bad Reichenhall (Bavière)

Le PARN a participé fin octobre à la conférence « Forêts de protection contre les crues dans la Région Alpine », à l’invitation du Groupe d’Action 8 de la SUERA, co-organisateur de l’événement, dans le cadre de la présidence Bavaroise de la SUERA, ainsi qu’à l’excursion sur le terrain qui a suivie.

Invitation Conference Flood Protection (PDF)

[/vc_column_text][divider line_type= »No Line » custom_height= »20″][toggles style= »default »][toggle color= »Default » title= »Conference Program, Monday, 23. October 2017″][vc_column_text]Presentation: Kurt Ziegner, President of the Tyrolean forestry association

Welcome and opening speeches

  • Georg Windisch, Head of Bavarian Forest Administration
  • Helmut Brunner, Bavarian Minister of Food, Agriculture and Forestry
  • Ulrike Scharf, Bavarian Minister of Environment and Consumer Protection

Session 1: Forest, water, climate change

  • Changes in precipitation patterns due to climate change
    Prof. Dr. Wolfram Mauser, LMU Munich
  • Effectiveness of reforestation and forest conversion measures as components of decentralized flood protection in pre-alpine catchments
    Prof. Dr. Markus Disse, TU München
  • Ruling with networks – useful for mountain forests?
    Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml, Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg

Session 2: Best practice, governance; Flood protection

  • The flood in June 2013 – Effects, implications and consequences for the community of Schellenberg
    Franz Halmich, Mayor of the Commmunity Schellenberg
  • Oberammergau, a prime example for the Bavarian torrent development concept
    Dr. Andreas Rimböck, Bavarian Environment Agency
  • Protection Forest Restoration, a contribution to flood protection?
    Dr. Sebastian Höllerl and Dr. Franz Binder, Bavarian Forestry Administration
  • Prevention & healing in close alliance – the mountain forest offensive in the Berchtesgadener Land
    Alfons Leitenbacher, Head of office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry Traunstein
  • From the catchment area plan to individual forest management interventions. The “Obere Ahr valley” – planning measures on forest and agricultural areas with the need for action relevant for natural hazards
    Dr. Günther Unterthiner, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Alto Adige
  • Torrent control and protection forest – a conspiratorial Tyrolean community
    Josef Fuchs, Office of the Tyrolean Regional Government, and Gebhart Walter, Austrian Service for Torrent und Avalanche Control, Provincial Headquarters Tyrol
  • Maintenance of protection functions by sustainable forest management
    Dr. Daniel Müller, Forestry enterprise Berchtesgaden
  • Flood protection and mountain forest – Good-Practice-examples from the Alpine Convention region
    Dr. Rinaldo Comino, Head of the working group Mountain forests of the Alpine Convention

Session 3: Looking forward

  • Panel discussion among others with representatives from the field of nature conservation, water management and forestry

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  • Excursion 1: Mountain forest management in a National Park
    Guided by: Administration National Park Berchtesgaden
  • Excursion 2: Torrent Klausbach, area of conflict between flood protection, nature conservation and local interests
    Guided by: Water management office Traunstein
  • Excursion 3: New paths in protection forest management: The mountain forest offensive
    Guided by: Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry Traunstein
  • Excursion 4: Torrents in Tyrol–Examples for integrative protection concepts
    Guided by: Service for Torrent und Avalanche Control, Provincial Headquarters Tyrol
  • Excursion 5: Torrent Control and forestry
    Guided by: Forestry enterprise Berchtesgaden
  • Excursion 6: Protection forest management and protection forest restoration in the area of conflict between diverse demands
    Guided by: Forestry enterprise Ruhpolding
  • Excursion 7: Hunting is silviculture
    Guided by: Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry Traunstein


Parmi les excursions organisées le 24 octobre, le PARN a participé à la visite d’un chantier de correction torrentielle dans la Province du Tyrol, sur le thème d’un « concept intégré de protection contre les risques de crues torrentielles » (excursion n°4). Cette visite portait sur une série d’ouvrages de protection en cours de construction par le Service de contrôle des torrents et des avalanches du Tyrol, en présence du maire de la commune. Elle a offert aux participants l’exemple d’un cas de bonnes pratiques de gestion concertée entre collectivité et administration en matière d’entretien des ouvrages, reposant notamment sur l’utilisation d’une base de données conjointe, qui facilite le suivi des visites annuelles et la priorisation des interventions sur ces ouvrages.

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AG8 – Conference « Flood protection through protection forests in the Alpine Region »

