Rencontre EUSALP/SUERA « Cooperation in Natural Hazard Management », European Forum Alpach 2018

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18 août 2018
Alpbach (Tyrol autrichien)

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Les membres du Groupe d’Action 8 (GA8) de la SUERA sur la gouvernance de la gestion des risques majeurs et de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans la macro-région alpine étaient invités à participer à une rencontre d’experts sur le thème de la coopération en matière de gestion des risques naturels le samedi 18 août à Alpbach dans le Tyrol autrichien, organisée par la Présidence Tyrolienne de la SUERA. Cette rencontre s’est déroulée lors des « Journée du Tyrol » qui se tenaient du 17 au 19 août, dans le cadre du Forum Européen Alpbach 2018, organisé cette année du 15 au 31 août sur le thème « Diversité et Résilience ».

► Invitation & Programme – Expert event EUSALP AG8 18/08 (PDF)
Europäisches Forum Alpbach – Tiroltag (
► Forum Alpbach 2018 – Tyrol Days (

A l’occasion de l’invitation à cette rencontre du GA8, le PARN a participé à ces trois journées ponctuées de présentations et de débats entre experts régionaux et transnationaux politiques et scientifiques sur le thème de la gestion des risques naturels dans le contexte du changement climatique.

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2.00 p.m. – Welcome
  • Franz Fischler, President European Forum Alpbach, Former EU-Commissioner
  • -Deputy Governor of the Tyrol Josef Geisler
  • Maria Patek, Head of Section, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Republic of Austria, EUSALP Action Group 8 – Lead
2.20 p.m. – Keynote speech
  • Peter Filzmaier, Professor of Political Science, Danube University Krems and Karl-Franzens University of Graz: « The risk of nature … and how do we deal with it? »
2 .40 p.m. – Examples from the EUSALP region
  • Stefan Walder, Department of Water Management, Regional Government of Tyrol: « Flood risk management in the Tyrolean Lower Inn Valley »
  • Gebhard Walter, Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control, Director of Provincial Headquarters Tyrol: « Water board – Maintenance of protection measures – Paznaun Valley »
  • Willigis Gallmetzer, Warning Centre of the Civil Protection Agency, Autonomous Province of Bolzano: « River basin management in South Tyrol »
  • Norbert Baeuml, Bavarian Administration for Rural Development: « Initiative boden:staendig »
4 .10 p.m. – Coffee break
4 .4 0 p.m. – Panel discussion
  • Deputy Governor Josef Geisler
  • Helmut Haslinger, Coordination of the Water Board of the Zeller Basin Flood Protection Association
  • Maria Patek, Head of Section, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism
  • Thomas Glade, Professor of Physical Geography, University of Vienna
  • Peter Filzmaier, Professor of Political Science, Danube University Krems and Karl-Franzens University of Graz
5.40 p.m. – Wrap-up
6.00 p.m. – Standing buffet

[/vc_column_text][/toggle][toggle color= »Default » title= »Programme – Tyrol Days, 17-19/08/2018″][vc_column_text]Friday, 17.08.2018

  • 15:00-18:00 Working group of young researchers (Plenary)
    Young researchers with a connection to the European region will present the conclusions of their research on the topic of this year’s Tyrol Days ‘Natural hazard management and biodiversity’ to a panel of judges. They were nominated as finalists for the Euregio Young Researchers’ Award in a selection round prior to the Tyrol Days.

    • Veronica Barchetti, Business Analyst, HIT – Hub Innovazione Trentino, Trento
    • Roberto Bertoldi, Former Head, Department of Civil Protection Trentino, Trento
    • Lamiss Khakzadeh-Leiler, Professor, Department of Public Law, State and Administrative Theory, University of Innsbruck
    • Michael Kraxner, Head, Research and Development & Technology Transfer, Engineering & Life Science Department, MCI – Management Center Innsbruck
    • Luca Mion, Head of Innovation, HIT – Hub Innovazione Trentino, Trento
    • Rocco Scolozzi, Systems thinking, Futures Studies Education & Research; Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento
    • Rosemarie Stangl, Head, Institute for Bioengineering and landscaping, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
    • Siegfried Walch, Head of Department, Nonprofit, Social & Health Management, MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    • Ulrike Tappeiner, President, Free University of Bolzano / Bozen
  • 18:30-19:30 Broken Lines – Opening (Culture)

Saturday, 18.08.2018

  • 9:00-13:00 Working group of young innovators (Plenary)
    Young innovators present their applied solutions to a panel of judges.

    • Paolo Bosetti, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento
    • Mauro Casotto, Director, Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A, Rovereto
    • Marcus Hofer, Head, Business Relocation and Location Development, Sponsorship Program, Tirol Promotion Agency, Innsbruck
    • Kurt Matzler, Professor, Strategic Management, University of Innsbruck; Scientific Head, Executive MBA-Programme, Management Center Innsbruck
    • Hansjörg Prast, Managing Director, IDM Südtirol Alto Adige, Bolzano / Bozen
    • Johann Stötter, University Professor, Institute of Geography, Leopold-Franzens-University, Innsbruck
    • Karlheinz Töchterle, President, Austrian Research Council; Professor emeritus, University of Innsbruck; Member of the Austrian Parliament, Vienna
  • 14:00 – 18:00 EUSALP expert event: Cooperation in natural hazard management (Partner) In cooperation with EUSALP – EU-Strategy for the Alpine Region [see above]
    20:00-21:00 Appartenenze – Reading (Culture)

Sunday, 19.08.2018

  • 5:00-8:00 Sunrise hike to Wiedersberger Horn (Social)
  • 9:00-10:00 Mass (Social)
  • 10:00-11:00 Opening ceremony of the European Forum Alpbach (Plenary)
    Guests from the entire Euroregion Tyrol – South Tyrol – Trentino and the Alpbach hosts will open this year’s Forum together.

    • Franz Fischler, President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
    • Massimo Allegretti, President, Municipal Council, Mantova
    • Markus Bischofer, Mayor, Alpbach
    • Arno Kompatscher, Governor, Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano
    • Günther Platter, Governor, Province of Tyrol, Innsbruck
    • Ugo Rossi, Governor, Autonomous Province of Trentino, Trento
  • 11:00-12:30 Snack (Social)
  • 12:30-13:30 Presentation of the Euregio awards 2018 (Plenary)

    • Ulrike Tappeiner, President, Free University of Bolzano / Bozen
    • Karlheinz Töchterle, President, Austrian Research Council; Professor emeritus, University of Innsbruck; Member of the Austrian Parliament, Vienna
  • 14:00-16:30 Presentation and discussion of the results of EuregioLab (Plenary)
    More than 30 experts from academia, administration and business from the entire Euregio have worked on the topic of this year’s Tyrol Days “Natural hazard management and biodiversity”. In a number of working groups, they have compiled a catalogue of ideas, which they present to the participants and discuss with decision-makers.

    • Ulrike Tappeiner, Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck
    • Andreas Töchterle, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, Bolzano
    • Arno Kompatscher, Governor, Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen
    • Günther Platter, Governor, Province of Tyrol, Innsbruck
    • Ugo Rossi, Governor, Autonomous Province of Trento
    • Franz Fischler, President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

[/vc_column_text][/toggle][toggle color= »Default » title= »Programme – European Forum Alpbach, 15-31/08/2018″][vc_column_text]

European Forum Alpbach (EFA)

The European Forum Alpbach was founded in August 1945 as one of the first international political and intellectual events in post-war Europe. It has since established itself as an important hub for interdisciplinary exchange of ideas,where world-renowned scientists, economists as well as politicians and academics engage in a prosperous dialogue with university students. Each summer, more than 5.000 people from over 60 countries com together in the Tyrolean mountain village of Alpbach to experience this unique atmosphere.

This year’s forum will took place from August 15th–31st 2018with the theme of “Diversity and Resilience”.

Diversity and Resilience | Aug 15 to 31, 2018

Our age is defined by rapid transformation. The way we live, think and work is subject to constant change, giving rise to a multitude of new challenges. Now more than ever, we need to act purposefully, consider diverse courses of action, and come up with cutting-edge solutions.

With that said, diversity is recognized and encouraged as an opportunity in many areas. It has a positive impact on the strength, robustness, and innovative power, that is on the resilience of our society, environment, economy and culture. At the same time, however, diversity can become a strain and lead to the collapse of entire systems. How can we handle crises? Are our systems – from finance to health – suited to master the challenges to come? How can we ensure lasting peace, prosperity and democracy? Is resilience the key to a successful future?

We invite you to examine the relationship between “Diversity and Resilience” together with a host of experts from the worlds of business, politics, culture and the civil society. Immerse yourself in in international setting full of new ideas, mindsets, and contacts. Let us join forces to answer the great questions of today!

Programme Booklets

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EUSALP expert event: Cooperation in natural hazard managemen, Alpbach 18/08/2018

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Lors de ces « journées du Tyrol », le PARN a assisté aux manifestations suivantes :

  • la présentation des travaux des jeunes chercheurs sur la gestion des risques naturels et de la biodiversité, les 17 et 18/08 (matin),
  • la table ronde transnationale à l’invitation du GA8 de la SUERA, le 18/08 (après-midi),
  • la cérémonie d’ouverture du Forum Européen Alpbach, le 19/08 (matin)
  • la session de restitution et de discussion des travaux de l’EuregioLab sur la gestion des risques naturels et de la biodiversité dans l’Eurorégion Tyrol-Haut-Adige-Trentin, le 19/09 (après-midi).

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Presentation and discussion of the results of EuregioLab, Alpbach 19/08/2018

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Documents EuregioLab 2018 (

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