Webinaire « La SUERA et le Pacte vert européen »

L’enregistrement du webinaire « La SUERA et le Pacte vert européen » dans le cadre de la Semaine européenne des Régions et des Villes, organisé le19 octobre 2020 est disponible en ligne.

Video: EUSALP and the European Green Deal

Contenu du webinaire

The workshop is organised around two dynamic sessions of 40 minutes, led by two groups of partners (politicians and experts from EUSALP) to set the scene, present green solutions developed in Alpine regions, and open the debate with the audience.


  • Session 1: Decarbonising the Alpine region: the potential of hydrogen for energy transition and cleaner mobility
  • Session 2: Preserving biodiversity and improving risk prevention: how to prepare for the climate transition?

  • Emmeline ALLIOUX, Director of the Representation of the Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur in Brussels, Region SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France.
  • Elisabeth LOGEAIS, Déléguée Générale, TENERRDIS, France.

  • Laurence BOETTI-FORESTIER, Regional Councillor, Region SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France.
  • Herbert DORFMANN, Member of the European Parliament, European Parliament, Belgium.
  • Matteo MARNATI, Regional Minister for Energy, Environment, Research, and Innovation, Piemonte Region, Italy.
  • Brigitta PALLAUF, President of the Regional Parliament of Salzburg, Member of the Committe of the Regions, Regional Parliament of Salzburg, Austria.
  • Virginie PFANNER, Conseillère Régionale, Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France.
  • Bernd Reuter, Head of Unit “Environmental Technologies, Research and Ecology”, Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
  • Santa TUTINO, Head of the Protected Areas Office, Regione autonoma Valle d’Aosta, Italy.