Review paper on climate change and natural hazards in the French Alps

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A review paper entitled « Climate change and natural hazards in the Alps: Observed and potential impacts on physical and socio-economic systems » was written in the framework of the Alps-Climate-Risks axis, in collaboration with scientific members and partners of the PARN. It appears in the special issue of the Journal of Alpine Research / Revue de Géographie Alpine devoted to the “Impact of climate change on mountain environment dynamics”.

Online article [JAR/RGA website]
Author manuscript english [PDF]
Manuscrit auteur français [PDF]

Reference :

Einhorn B., Eckert N., Chaix C., Ravanel L., Deline P., Gardent M., Boudières V., Richard D., Vengeon JM., Giraud G., Schoeneich P. (2015). – Climate change and natural hazards in the Alps: Observed and potential impacts on physical and socio-economic systems. Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de Géographie Alpine, [Online], 103-2, DOI : 10.4000/rga.2829
